DSE turnover exceeds Tk 20bn-mark
BI Desk || BusinessInsider

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Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) on Sunday extended its winning streak, with a turnover crossing Tk 20 billion-mark, as investors continued their buying spree on large-cap issues amid optimism.
Turnover, a crucial indicator of the market, increased to Taka 20.10 billion on the country's premier bourse which was Taka 16.06 billion at the previous session of the week.
DSEX, the prime index of the DSE, went up by 91.09 points or 1.54 percent to settle at 6,015.91, reports BSS.
The DSE 30 Index, comprising blue chips, and the DSE Shariah Index (DSES) also gained 51.62 points to finish at 2,184.36 and 10.36 points closing at 1,285.27.
Out of 400 issues traded, 173 closed green, 207 in the red and 20 remained unchanged on the DSE trading floor.
GP topped the turnover chart, followed by BATBC, BRACBANK, ROBI and City Bank.
ABB1STMF was the day's best performer, posting a gain of 10 percent while ICB3RDNRB was the worst loser, losing 5.26 percent.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also ended higher with the CSE All Share Price Index - CASPI -advancing 482.69 points to settle at 17,282.46 and the Selective Categories Index - CSCX gaining 286.69 points to close at 10,418.71.
Of the issues traded, 194 advanced, 86 declined and 15 remained unchanged on the CSE.
The port city's bourse traded 1.32 crore shares and mutual fund units with a turnover value of Tk 30.89 crore.