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Business Insider Bangladesh

PM meets UK’s cross-party delegation, discusses Rohingya

UNB || BusinessInsider

Published: 09:18, 19 March 2023  
PM meets UK’s cross-party delegation, discusses Rohingya

Photo: Collected

A cross-party delegation of the United Kingdom paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her official residence Ganabhaban on Saturday.

The delegation comprising of iPaul Bristow MP, Jane Hunt MP, Paulette Hamilton MP, Antony Higginbotham MP,Tom Hunt MP met the PM when they talked about issues including Rohingya, socio-economic advancement and women empwerment in Bangladesh. 

PM’s Deputy Press Secretary KM Shakhawat Moon briefed the reporters  after the call on.

The Prime Minister welcomed the delegation and apprised them of various measures taken by her government for the overall development of Bangladesh.

The delegation highy praised the remarkable succes and achievement in agriculture, education, health, prticularly in pharmasecutical  and women empwerment under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

They also apreciated the role of Saima Wazed, daugheter of Hasina, to deal with the mental health.

Hasina said the people were not much aware of mental health and her daughter Saima has made it familiar in the country. 

The Prime Minister told the delegation that Bangladesh has been exporting various medicines to many countries.

About the Rohingya issue, she said Bangladesh wants Rohingya problem to be resolved through discussions.

“Any big problem can be resolved through discussion,” she said, referring to the foreign policy formulated by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahma which says “Friendship to all, malice to none.” 

Talking about women empowerment, she said her government had taken extensive measures to ensure empowerment soon after assuming office in 1996.

As part of the continuation of the measures, women are now entrusting with the responsibilities of the Leader and deputy leader and speaker of the parliament, justices of the apex court, secretaries of the government and as high civil and military officials.

The Prime Minister said they have taken housing schemes to make sure none in Bangladesh remains homeless and landless.

